Friday, January 20, 2012

If you fall for me,, I'm not easy to please....

Quote of the Day:

"If you're going to be two-faced at least make one of them pretty."

I think there is a fine line between being a slut and being classy. I walk that line.”

Guys confuse me so much... I have officially decided they CANNOT make up their minds. Do you like me or don't you? And they think girls are confusing...
I have to be back at my school at 8:00 tommorow. MORNING. I do not get up before 10:00 on a Saturday. Ever. Sucky. It's our last dance practice before exhibition. I think we're going to do pretty amazing<3
I got asked to go to the movies again tonight with this guy... I kinda like him... But I said no because for one: I'm completely broke. And two: I've had bad experiences at the movies. & he wanted it to just be me & him... And three: I have to get up early tommorrow :/

When I started this blog I never thought I'd like blogging as much as I do... And this is my 51st post! I really hope I keep up with this because its kinda nice to have a place to put everything down.

So my family is going through this healthy food phase... And I actually kinda like it surprisingly...

Hannah Thinks...
-If guys would just tell you they liked you life would be so much easier.
-I just got asked if I'm still a virgin? Hello. I'm 13. What do you think? Then again... with people nowadays..
-Do sunflower seeds really come from sunflowers? & if you planted one would it grow? I'm gunna try that.
-Dried blueberries ar nasty!
-Some people are so just not my type...
-But apparently I'm intimidating to people younger than me? Hmmm...

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